Your freedom business idea is ready to make money!

Thank you for filling in the quiz! According to your answers, you have a great Freedom Business idea that is ready to start making you money.

You understand what is important for a new business idea to work and you seem to have a hang of the biz lingo too. It seems like you already know how to leverage your superpowers and that you have got your problem nailed down. In other words, you are at the product-market-fit stage = the point where your value proposition satisfies a certain domain (pain point / needs) in the market.

As much as we trust that you know what you are doing, we would love to be part of your success journey. That’s why we’ll share below some next steps you can take. Our analysis is based on our combined 10+ years of experience working with startups on their ideas and implementation. 

Here are the 3 steps you need to take to lift your freedom business idea off the ground:

Step 1. Review your idea

We know… We just told you that you have a great idea that can start making money. But, we still want to make sure that you have everything that we think you have.

Before your idea can start making money, you need to make sure that you have these elements in place: defined target persona (AKA Ideal Client Avatar), clear problem, value proposition, and a solution. Your target persona is at the centre of everything you do in your business. They are the reason your business exists, and if you are not helping them, your business will not make money.

After defining your target persona, you need to make sure that you have validated your most critical business assumptions with them. Your critical assumptions are about the problem you believe your target persona has, the value that they desire to receive, and finally the solution that will work for them. It is absolutely crucial that you have all those elements tested and validated if you plan to earn money in your business.

Step 2. Create your know, like, trust

Once you know that what you are going to offer is indeed what your target persona wants, you need to start convincing them that you are the right one to help them solve their problem.

Building a good relationship with potential customers and creating a brand takes time. Your target audience will pay you if they trust that you will deliver the value that you promise. A great way to gain their trust and get them to know you better and like you is by positioning yourself as an authority figure.

In other words, you need to “show them the money.” They want to be convinced that you can deliver on your promise. So, you need to create free content around the topic of your product or service that already helps your target persona solve a part of their problem. You can do that by creating content on social media, sending them emails, and offering them free worksheets.

Step 3. Start selling

We often see tarting entrepreneurs get stuck in the loop of preparing their business. They think that they need to have everything figured out before they can make the first sale. They look at acquiring the best software for their business, hiring personnel, and investing in to advertisement.

This holds starting entrepreneurs back from doing the ultimate test of their business. Is someone willing to pay you for your product or service? That’s something that you want to find out sooner rather than later. You don’t want to prepare for months or even years and then open shop to find out that no one is willing to pay you.

Every successful business owner will tell you that running structured experiments is the key to their success. It is about making an assumption that something will work, trying it our with your target audience, evaluating the results, and improving the approach.

The willingness of your target persona to pay for the value you offer and the price point is something that you need to start testing right away.

“Who are the entrepreneurs behind all these business tips?” Glad you asked…

Hey there! We’re Anastasia and Tomer, faces behind the blog and creators of the program The 9-5 Escape Plan. No matter how far you’re down the path to turning your idea into profits, we’re here to help!

Friend, your entrepreneurial dreams can 100% be a reality – but, let us tell you, it’s so easy to get discouraged when you’re starting out.

How do we know? Well, we’ve been there, too.

After working in corporate innovation for several years, we realized that no matter how many startups we mentor or how many projects we complete, we wont find fulfillment until we do our own thing! We decided to quit our well-paying jobs and buy a one-way ticket to South East Asia. Enjoying the flexibility of the nomadic life, we started working on our own business ideas. At first, we thought it’d be a walk in the park… BUT it turned out there were a whole lot of unexpected roadblocks.

With time and dedication, we were able to launch our coaching program The 9-5 Escape Plan. We have helped 20+ aspiring entrepreneurs to launch business ideas where freedom is the priority. Now it’s your turn to create the lifestyle and business you’re passionate about!

Not sure where to begin?

Check out our popular book The Freedom Project and take your idea to the next level …

Turn your Passions into a Freedom business

… and change the course of your life from Day 1.

The Freedom Project

Want to take your idea to the next level? Turn your passions into a viable business idea from Day 1. Kick-start your freedom project  without wasting time or money.

Get the tools and confidence to turn your idea into a business that makes freedom a priority

We meet brilliant minds on a daily basis who want more, but feel stuck in their 9-5 rabbit holes. We hate to see that most of them will struggle to take their dreams to the next level. No matter how smart they are or how groundbreaking their ideas are. They won’t unfold their highest potential unless they learn how to launch their ideas before they’re ready.

Explore your unique superpowers and turn them into value for others

Get a step-by-step business blueprint to turn your half-baked idea into a viable business proposition

Learn validation techniques to start engaging with your target audience from Day 1

Celebrate first wins and gain confidence about your idea and new role as freedompreneur

“I went from feeling stuck on a conventional path that felt totally out of alignment with who I was to taking my dreams seriously and building enough confidence to pursue a business idea that I’m passionate about and which is already helping me to lead a life where freedom is the priority.”

– Mike P., The 9-5 Escape Plan alumni

We know how it is. We’ve been there too.

You have ideas, but you’re not sure which one to pick. Which one has potential? Which idea will allow you to live your freedom lifestyle? You end up doing nothing, hoping for something to happen rather than making it happen.

Does this sound familiar?

✔ You want more than your current 9-5 job and you’re ready to build your way out

✔ You’re dreaming of doing something you’re passionate about and having a real impact on the world

✔ You want to minimize your risk and have confidence that your business idea will work

If you relate to any one of these, you owe it to yourself to read this book.

“Through the program I learned so much about building and structuring my online business, more than any other business course I’ve taken so far. It taught me to think strategically about creating a value proposition, a business model, and understand my target audience in a whole new way.”

– Chelsea T., The 9-5 Escape Plan alumni

Our signature coaching program The 9-5 Escape Plan in a book

We want to see you launch your ideas, celebrate first customer wins, and change the narrative of your life

We introduce you to leading techniques in new product development that we have acquired from over 10 years combined experience. We share with you everything we’ve learnt from mentoring startups in programs like the world famous Startup Bootcamp, leading breakthrough innovation projects in Fortune 500 companies, and our own journey at Generation Nomads.

Self-reflection exercises to discover your superpowers and uncover strengths and interests that will lay the foundation for your passion business

Guided brainstorming to turn your superpowers into business ideas and assessment criteria for picking the business idea with the biggest revenue potential

Tools and techniques to outline the fundamental aspects of your business idea, design powerful experiments to test risky assumptions, and develop a product or service that has demand

Outlook for creating a freedom business through our signature Freedom Framework

“I’ve always wanted to start a business but I never knew how or never had the skills to take it past a certain point, and through the course I’ve become clear about a business that I’m really excited about and I’ve got a plan of how to launch it, which gets launched next week!”

– Dan B., The 9-5 Escape Plan alumni

About the Authors

Anastasia Schmalz and Tomer Arwas are money mindset and startup coaches, and the creators of the blog Having reached financial independence under 30 through real estate and stocks investments, they left their cushy corporate careers. They traveled the world for 18 months without working or touching their savings.

Before founding Generation Nomads, Anastasia worked as new product development consultant and Tomer worked as an IT project manager in Fortune 500 companies. Combined, Anastasia and Tomer have over 10 years of experience in mentoring startups and scale ups in various industries and managing over USD 1 million digital innovation and IT implementation projects.

On, they have garnered a monthly readership of 15,000 from over 170 countries. Their Freedom Framework is used to teach millennials how to design and reach a freedom lifestyle. In The 9-5 Escape Plan program, they help their clients create and acquire passive income assets.

They live in one of their favorite cities in the world – Amsterdam, The Netherlands. From Amsterdam, they work with aspiring entrepreneurs in The 9-5 Escape Plan coaching program.