Congrats! Your call is scheduled!

Just as we are prepping for the call with you, we would also love for you to take time to prepare!

Step 1: Watch this video to get an idea of what working with us is like!

Step 2: Stalk Anastasia and Tomer!

We’re not kidding. We want you to get a really good idea of what we are like, our vibe, and if you actually wanna hang out with us. A great place to start is on our Instagram and Facebook. Also check out podcast interviews with us – see the full list of episodes over here.

Step 3: Ask yourself…

  • What would be amazing to achieve in the next 5 months, and why?
  • What do you need help with to achieve your goals, or to achieve them faster?
  • What are you wondering about when it comes to working with us?

What to expect on the call?

You will chat with Anastasia, and I’m really looking forward to learning more about your current situation and your goals.

The call will take place on Zoom – all the details are in your email. It would be super helpful if you could find a quiet place so that I can hear and see your properly.

Just a heads up, if you’re multitasking (like driving or on the move), let’s reschedule for a time when you can fully focus, okay?

If I think you’re a good fit for our program, I’ll extend an invitation your way. No pressure at all – we do not engage in aggressive sales tactics LOL! My goal is to make sure that both of us feel that we have a great match (or part ways with love).

x Anastasia

P.S. If we both agree it’s a good match, I can’t wait to welcome you to our program and be part of your success journey! Take a look at some of the amazing results our other clients have achieved below!

Some of our client wins

She just messaged us that she made $4500 🤯

Denise got her first client

Booking 2 sales calls for her new coaching offer 🙌🏼 

130 signups within a week!

Sales page launched in just 5 weeks!

Opened her own Acroyoga studio!

First client session during the program with a glowing testimonial!

Confident about pursuing his business

Launched her podcast and already has fans!

Set up biz from A-Z

If you have any final questions before the call, feel free to message us on Instagram and Facebook.

And if you’re still wondering about …

Do I need to have a clear offer idea or niche already (before starting FBM)?
Check out this short video

Blog, e-Book, course, 1:1 coaching – What’s the best way to start?
Check out this short video

What if I don’t have an audience yet – A.K.A. Im starting from scratch?

Check out this short video

My biggest barrier is my (lack of) confidence – Are we going to work on my mindset?
Check out this short video

I’m quite early in my business journey – When is the right moment to invest into it?
Check out this short video