Are you ready to break free from the 9-5 grind and build a business that aligns with your passion for travel and personal freedom?

Imagine This:

  • Waking up in a tropical paradise, knowing that your workday is on your terms.
  • Sharing your unique skills and experiences with the world, making a real impact.
  • Earning a sustainable income from anywhere, allowing you to explore new places and cultures.

Welcome to Freedom Business Mentorship (FBM)

We help travelpreneurs turn their passion into a profitable business they can run from anywhere. Whether you’re a coach, creator, or healer, our mentorship program will guide you in creating, marketing, and selling a valuable & unique offer that excites you and your future clients.

As seen on ...

Why join FBM?

For the Travel Dreamers Ready to Take Action

Our clients are people we would invite for home-made banana pancakes … and sometimes we do! They …

  • Are ready to quit the job that drains them or have already taken the leap.
  • Have a (somewhat) clear direction but need guidance to take the next steps.
  • Are passionate about sharing their skills or personal transformation with others.
  • Are either already creating content to inspire others or are dreaming up lots of ideas for their future business.
  • Are committed to figuring out how to start and turn their passion into profit.


Chelsea T. sharpened her ideal client profile and career coaching offer, reached consistent 5k months, and published her #1 Amazon bestselling ebook Residency Drop Out. 

“Through the program I learned so much about building and structuring my online business, more than any other business course I’ve taken so far. […]

I learned, most importantly, how to identify and leverage my resources and superpowers to create a digital product. So now I have two digital product ideas. I’m creating an ebook and online course. 

I’m in the process of creating and validating them, and I absolutely cannot wait to launch them out into the world […].” 

Hey, I’m Anastasia Arwas!

… co-founder of Generation Nomads, blogger with 175K+ readers, a travel soul and location-independent Business Startup Mentor. I help content creators + corporate escapees become their own remote CEOs with a service based business they can take on the road with them.

Nothing makes me feel more alive than helping freedom seekers start monetizing their passions, so they can replace their 9-5 income with a remote business that enables them to start their days with a yoga session on the beach, spend a handful of hours hours working from a cute cafe, and take the afternoons off for adventure!

If you have an idea for a service based business, but you don’t know how to start making money… OR you have tried to acquire clients and start doubting whether you have it “in you” to ever make an income from your business …

I hope to work with you in the Freedom Business Mentorship!

Freedom Business Mentorship is a coaching experience for content creators, coaches and service providers who want to go from not confident & without plan to becoming a profitable CEO of their life!


Corporate finance escapee Sebastian W. approached Anastasia for help to prepare the launch of his finance course business. Within the mentorship, he nailed down this ideal client and offer, grew a waitlist for his course of prospective 100 buyers, and established a detailed launch plan. 

[Before working with Anastasia] “I was struggling with an overall structure and with the detailed steps that lead from an idea/product to marketing that product to the perfect audience. Also I was struggling with defining the perfect target persona, especially how this target persona thinks and expects. Lastly I was not really sure how to connect and engage with my audience.”

[While working with Anastasia] “I have defined the perfect target persona and have engaged with around 100 people in order to define the “needs” and the “wants” of this target persona. This helped me greatly in defining great marketing messages and value propositions toward this target persona. I really have the feeling to know my perfect customer. Anastasia helped me a lot with the practical things regarding contacting and engaging with the customer based (e.g. surveys, free offers, interviews,…). The achievement that helped me the most was certainly the structure of the sales funnel. Not only the theoretical concept but also the continuous work in structured lessons on building up the sales funnel step by step. In the end I am finishing the sales funnel and I am planning for my first product release to a growing e-mail list.”

“I feel empowered as we have set the overall game plan and structure of the business. I am 100% sure which steps to take – this helps me a lot in my day to day decisions as I know that the previous steps have led to great results.”


This program is for you if …

  • You have been creating content for a while or tried to sell your services but your efforts have not lead to sales.

  • You have some followers or email subscribers but you’re not sure how to convert them into paying clients.
  • You have an idea about who your ideal clients are but you’re not sure if you are spot-on, or if they need your services.
  • You have an idea what service you would like to sell, but you don’t know how to create an offer that will sell.
  • You want a mentor who has been where you are, and can show you how to take your freedom hustle to the next level, so that you can create the business, income, and lifestyle you can’t wait to wake up to!

Let’s create YOUR offer & find your first client – guaranteed!

See Your Superpower: Get clear on your uniqueness / proprietary methodology that will make clients want to work with YOU and not somebody else.

Select Your Ideal Client: Become spot-on on your ideal client profile and attract people who are willing to pay a premium price for your service.

Sharpen Your Service: Define the essential features of your service that answer the needs of your clients and make you feel confident as the service provider.

Speak Their Language: Create a marketing message and strategy that speaks directly to the hearts of your ideal clients and moves them towards a purchase decision.

Sell Your Service: Establish a system of daily / weekly / monthly tasks to land dream clients.

What’s included

  • 4 months of personalized support and guidance
  • 2x monthly 1:1 coaching calls to address weak spots in your business and create a stellar offering and marketing
  • Tools and templates to implement coaching contents
  • Unlimited daily feedback on your marketing materials and questions


Maialen L. created an online training program for Acroyoga beginners and booked her first in-person clients. She also released illustrated acroyoga self-practice cards in Spanish language. After a great success, she launched a crowdfunding campaign to release an English version of her cards.

I’m ready to make money from anywhere!

Pick a time slot for your first Free Consult and we plan out the launch of your online freedom business.